Location:less than 4 km from Martina Franca in the direction of Taranto on a secondary road, easily reachable.
Description:the property consists of a group of trulli made up of three cones and three alcoves, one of which has a fireplace and an oven, and is independent on three sides. From the existing surface, it is possible to create a living area, a bedroom, and a bathroom, but it would still be possible to request an extension.
Conditions:the trulli need complete renovation both with regards to the external stones of the cones and inside with regards to the systems and finishing touches.
Installations:inside the trulli there is an ancient cistern for water, all the connections and systems are to be made. It is possible to request the connection to the public water and methane gas network.
Land:arable land, with a total extension of approximately 10,000 square meters. If more land is desired, it would be possible to purchase additional adjacent plots.