
Ho conosciuto l'Agenzia dei Trulli in Alberobello tempo fa. Cercavo un Trullo da ristrutturare e poterlo usufruire per le nostre vacanze estive ed invernali. Gabriella Dragone, titolare dell'agenza ci ha mostrato quanto disponibile sul mercato in quel momento, abbiamo visitato molte proprietà in vendita. Infine con il suo costante supporto, abbiamo scelto quella che per noi risultava ideale.
Gabriella, ci e' stata vicino in tutta la fase di acquisto mostrando una elevata professionalità e competenza nel campo immobiliare. Ma non si e' limitata a questa, ci ha supportato nella scelta della ditta per la ristrutturazione del trullo consigliandoci al meglio durante tutta la ristrutturazione. Le sue competenze includono anche la gestione del fondo agricolo associato al trullo, che per noi, resiedendo distanti da Alberobello/Putignano, e' risultato estremamente utile.
Vera e gentile imprenditrice.
Trullo Nora
Enrico e Nora Marra - Ariccia (ROMA)

Ottima agenzia. La titolare Gabriella Dragone è una grande professionista, molto gentile e tanto disponibile. Sono molto soddisfatta.
2024 Villa Maranna
Rosanna Longo - Taranto

Not being someone to write a lot of reviews, if there is one I do its this one.
In love with the beautifull area of Puglia, being a foreigner looking for a trulli, I couldn't have a better guide then Gabriella from Agenzia Dei Trulli. From the first time we met many years ago, Gabriella assisted us in the buying, renovation and all that comes with having a house abroad. Any time we have a question after all those years, she is always there, helpfull and passionate about her job. Italian law and rules can be though but with her assistance we had a smooth ride. So if you want to enjoy Puglia, don't let people fool you and this is the agency I recommend you to go to, foreigners and Italian !
2024 Trullo Fanelli
Steven Naessens - Kortrijk (Belgio)

La signora Gabriella ci ha aiutati nella ricerca e nella compravendita con gentilezza, precisione e professionalità! Assolutamente consigliata!
2024 Trullo Chau
Roberta Fusillo - Noci (Italia)

È un agenzia molto efficiente e disponibile, attenta a tutti i particolari. Gabriella è veramente una persona molto simpatica e sa consigliare per tutti i dettagli, per me 10 e lode!
2024 Dimora via Bligny
Francesca Cito - Alberobello

Agenzia dei Trulli gestita da una grande professionista Gabriella competente e disponibile, seguita da collaboratori all'altezza. Mi sono affidato per la vendita di un immobile, sono impeccabili....grazie!! Ve li consiglio
2023 Villa Paretone
Maurizio Ponte - Martina Franca

Abbiamo fatto delle visite in vari comuni con molte aziende differenti. Ma è lo stile diretto e la trasparenza totale, la risposta completa alle nostre domande che ci ha convinto. La disponibilità personale è un fattore importante quando come acquirente sei lontano dalla proprietà. Siamo contentissimi e se fosse da rifare, non cambieremmo una virgola.
2023 Trullo Viola
Mark Lecleir - Antwerpen (Belgio)

Gabriela is simply amazing. We came to her with fairly specific idea of the kind of property we wanted to buy. She immediately understood that we were actually looking for something else. We fell in love with the first place she sent us to and now are the happy owners. In addition, she really went above and beyond of what we expected of a real estate agency. As two foreigners new to Italy, she patiently helped us go through the entire process from getting fiscal identities and opening a local bank account, up to helping out mediating with the contractor on changes to the property that we wanted, talking to suppliers and of course supporting us during the sale. Even now, she remains available and helps us to settle in easily with her invaluable advice. We wholeheartedly would recommend her Agenzia dei Trulli to anyone looking to buy a property in Puglia.
2023 Trullo Totò
Jonathan Salomon - Tel Aviv (Israele)

Gabriella ci ha supportato per tutto il periodo di scelta e di acquisto del Trullo Olivia con determinazione, idee e soluzioni.
Risulta una persona brillante e attenta alle esigenze e ai desideri del cliente, cui fare riferimento in ogni passo del processo di acquisto.
La naturalezza con cui interagisce ti porta a fidarti di lei, accettando i suoi consigli e le sue proposte.
Precisa e seria nel suo lavoro, ci ha portati fino alla firma davanti al Notaio.
Abbiamo avuto diversi ostacoli che abbiamo risolto insieme a lei.
La sua professionalità e la sua conoscenza del territorio non ha eguali.
Abbiamo provato anche altre agenzia ma la sua per noi è la migliore.

Grazie Gabriella.
2023 Trullo Olivia
Gianluca & Stefania - Arbon (CH)

Gabriella persona schietta, precisa e puntuale nell'accompagnarci passo passo verso il nostro acquisto.
Persona sensibile ed attenta alle problematiche personali, nel nostro caso avendo un persona con disabilità, si è dimostrata superiore ad ogni nostra aspettativa.
La scelta dell'immobile e la scrupolosa verifica della totale documentazione e ogni altro dettaglio ( arredi e utenze..) ci ha portato a perfezionare, nei giusti tempi, la nostra nuova dimora nella splendida cornice di Alberobello.
Grazie Gabriella della magnifica accoglienza e sarai sempre il nostro punto di riferimento.
2023 Trulli Coreggia
Sante, Flavia ed Enrico - Borgoricco (PD)

We bought our home with the help of Gabriella Dragone. At the time we were still living in Malta. During the process my husband unexpectedly got very unwell and in times like these it’s people like Gabriella and her agency who showed to stand by us like true friends. Gabry patiently helped us with every single detail (and more) to make it as smoothly and comfortably as possible so that I could look after my husband without worry. Having had to deal with other agents in the past I can safely say that I will only consider buying a property with Gabriella’s help, no matter where in Italy… Thank you Gabry for being such a terrific agency!
2023 - Villa Paretone
Fox D. Gozo (arcipelago maltese)

Gabriella helped us purchase a beautiful little villa in the countryside near Noci. We wish to record that dealing with Gabriella has been an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Actually 'finish' is not the correct word, because Gabriella finds ways of assisting us and supporting us still, months after our notarial deed was finalised. She assisted us with electricity supply, opening a bank account, setting up our wifi, council rates, rubbish collection taxes, and so on.
Quite simply she is the best agent I have ever had the good fortune to come across in the world of real estate since purchasing my first home 40 years ago.
2023 - villa con trulli Noci
Lloyd & Robin Suttor - Sidney (Australia)

Gabriella of Agenzia dei Trulli provides an incomparable service from start to finish.
When beginning our search for a property we conducted extensive due diligence. Reviewing sites, speaking to agents and individuals, seeking to understand the qualifications and experience of agents.
Gabriella has worked in the property world of Puglia for decades and maintains an excellent reputation.
We received continuous support, advice and guidance not only with regard to the purchasing process but all of the little but very important things from codice fiscale, residency, notary work and understanding the Italian law right through to contacting electricity and WiFi for move day!
As a result of Gabriella’s experience and knowledge we did not complete the sale on two properties due to issues with the plans, rather than rush to sell to us Gabriella spent one year finding the perfect property.
Re-locating is a huge undertaking and having an experienced, multi-lingual and trusted professional who goes above and beyond is truly priceless.
2023 - Trullo Tanzanite
Louise Di Rito - da Nottingham a Martina Franca

Ci siamo appoggiati a Gabriella per l'acquisto del nostro piccolo grande trullo, la sua professionalità e la sua rapidità ci hanno permesso di fare tutto con estrema facilità.
E' stata fondamentale sia nella parte dell'acquisto ma anche e soprattutto continua ad essere un importantissimo punto di riferimento per la gestione del trullo per noi che abitiamo lontani! Il suo aiuto è stato ed è tuttora per noi molto prezioso, ed è una cosa davvero difficile da trovare al giorno d'oggi.
Grazie mille Gabriella!
2023 - Trullo Strada Fanelli
Barbara, Roberto & Ollyna - Parma

The best real estate agent EVER! We have searched for a home in Italy for years. Meeting and working with Gabriella has been beyond positive, she is amazing! She is caring, detail oriented and incredibly knowledgeable. She showed us many homes until we found “our home” . There is much work to be done and Gabriella has lined up artisans to handle every step of the process. From taking us to pick out stone, bathroom fixtures, helping set up Wi-Fi and security systems, she has gone above and beyond! This is our 10th home purchase in 35 years. We have NEVER worked with anyone as dedicated to client service as Gabriella! Although we will be watching the renovations from the US, we have 100% confidence all will be perfect!
Grazie mille Gabriella!
2022 - Casa delle Api
Nancy & Gus Bentivegna - Boston (USA)

I recently asked Gabriella to market my trullo. The service she provides is above and beyond what a 'normal' estate agent would provide. It was during these difficult Covid times when countries were shutting their borders and international travel was severely restricted. Gabriella managed not only to get a client but also organised for me to sign a Power of Attorney including arranging for the witnesses so the transaction could proceed without me being present. I should also add that during the 17 years that I have owned a property in Puglia Gabriella has helped and guided me through paying property taxes , organising Geometra, changing electrcity companies and has advised me and acted as a translator for me on numerous occasions.
2021 Trullo vista della vigna
Mary Elizabeth Parker - Kington (England)

Gabriella looked after every possible detail of preparing our trullo for sale, organising all routine maintenance and repairs in our absence and nannying us through the sales process every step of the way!
We cannot recommend her professionalism (and sense of humour) more highly - truly EXCELLENT!
2021 - Trullo Stella
Henrietta Faire - Norfolk (England)

Ho acquistato dei trulli in agro di Martina Franca e ho constatato la correttezza e professionalità della sig.ra Gabriella.
Complimenti e un grazie a lei che si è resa sempre disponibile per qualsiasi problema (veramente quasi nessuno).
Di nuovo GRAZIE.
2021 - Trullo Monte Stabile
Dr. Giuseppe Cappiello

Mi sono rivolto all’Agenzia dei Trulli per l’acquisto di un Trullo a Martina Franca. Che dire se non che Gabriella Dragone (la proprietaria dell’agenzia) è stata da subito disponibile, professionale ed estremamente affidabile. Mi ha guidato in tutto il percorso di acquisto, standomi vicino in modo impeccabile (redazione della proposta d’acquisto, il compromesso e poi il rogito con il notaio). Mi ha supportato indicandomi il migliore percorso per rendere abitabile il trullo e alla fine è stato fondamentale averla accanto, avendo una rete di relazioni sul territorio indispensabili per rendere operativo da subito il Trullo.
Affidatevi con la massima fiducia a lei e alla sua agenzia perché si tratta di un raro caso di mix tra competenza, gentilezza, professionalità e umanità. Se dovessi ricomprare un altro immobile in Valle d’Itria è scontato che lo farei con Lei! SUPERLATIVI <3
2021 - Trullo Ardito
Stefano Ardito - Milano

Abbiamo comprato un trullo molto bello e ristrutturato con gusto dai precedenti proprietari. Gabriella è sempre stata molto disponibile e professionale, ci ha fatto visitare il trullo più volte, è stata lei stessa a segnalarci piccoli inconvenienti che ci erano sfuggiti durante le prime visite, dimostrando serietà e trasparenza non comuni. Dopo il preliminare ha mantenuto il trullo in condizioni perfette – provvedendo alla pulizia degli interni, la manutenzione piscina, rifornimento di acqua e gas, ecc. – e infatti ci siamo potuti trasferire già il giorno successivo all'atto di acquisto.
Gabriella ha continuato ad aiutarci anche in seguito, presentandoci i migliori artigiani di Alberobello e suggerendo sempre le soluzioni migliori per le nostre esigenze, in modo che potessimo dedicarci alla nostra vacanza senza preoccupazioni.
Meriterebbe sei stelle, se fosse possibile darle!
2021 - Trullo (già Stella)
Francesco e Roberta - Italia

Per due volte la signora Gabriella Dragone dell'Agenzia dei Trulli si è occupata della vendita di due mie proprietà immobiliari (trulli) a Martina Franca e tutte e due le volte sono rimasto davvero soddisfatto.
2021 - Trulli Monte Stabile
Pietro Graffone - Torino

We had visited a few different areas of Italy with a view to purchase a new home. After researching further we decided to holiday in Puglia. After the first visit in June, we felt drawn to the area. We continued with our research and decided to return in September. We stayed in the Trullo as in June and fell in love again. We tried to contact some agents before the trullo owner suggested we visit Gabry - Agenzia dei Trulli.
I can honestly say we have never looked back. Gabry took time to listen to our needs and made sure the properties would meet our needs. We viewed the properties, Gabry accompanied us the whole time, she has amazing vision and understanding of the area and what a property can become. Even when we returned to the UK Gabry was always happy to answer questions we may have had.
We decided on two properties then covid happened. Gabry was again our saviour always positive, and helpful. In June this year, we finally purchased our properties. Gabry has helped so much not only from start but ongoing she is so knowledgeable about the area, in fact Puglia.
After listening to horror stories of builders etc we can honestly say that knowing Gabry has made things far easier for us.
We now have submitted planning permission and had a beautiful stone kitchen fitted.
A friend always.
Grazie mille Gabry.
2020 Julie & Daniel (England)
Trullo 127 - Trullo 148

Grazie a Gabriella abbiamo acquistato l’immobile tanto desiderato negli anni. Ci ha seguito passo passo: dalla ricerca alla scelta finale!
Una grande professionista alla quale affidarsi ciecamente!
Non potevamo sperare in persona migliore!
2020 - Trullo contrada Cupina
Anastasia Melani - Pistoia (Toscana)

Ho conosciuto Gabriella in qualità di professionista e non di acquirente.
Posso dire di non aver mai conosciuto un agente immobiliare più attento, disponibile e competente di lei!
Controlla con attenzione qualsiasi profilo relativo alla regolarità degli immobili che propone in vendita e alla completezza della documentazione necessaria per il rogito. Inoltre instaura in rapporto di empatia con la clientela, italiana e straniera, cui fornisce assistenza a 360 gradi anche in relazione a profili accessori rispetto alla mediazione vera e propria e alla conclusione dell’affare!
Inoltre gli immobili che propone in vendita sono dei veri gioielli.
È stato un piacere lavorare con lei!
2020 - 2022
Notaio Valeria Romanazzo

Gabriella helped us buy a Trulli and find our ideal “Place in the Sun” she knew exactly what we wanted. She has gone over and beyond all our expectations and would highly recommend her and we feel she has become a close friend too.
2019 Trulli Regio
Anne & John - Sutcliffe Linton (UK)

When people learn that I bought a trullo, the first thing they say is, “Wow, how did you know how to do that?” And I answer that I got really lucky and met Gabriella. She was the only real estate agent who was genuinely responsive, who tailored which houses I saw to fit my requirements, and most importantly, the only real estate agent whom I trusted. From the translator to the notary, and assisting me with obtaining all of the correct documents, Gabriella made the process not only smooth but enjoyable with her quick sense of humor (and lovable dog Max by her side!). Now that I am renovating my trullo, friends say, “It must be really hard to do that from abroad!” And I answer no, not really. And again, the reason is because of Gabriella. Good people do business with other good people and she is the best. From the contractor to the specialized and licensed trullo craftsmen, Gabriella has ensured that the historical integrity of the cones and the trullo has been maintained and upheld. Not only is Gabriella helping others to realize their dreams of owning their own piece of this magical and special land, but she is also doing the important work of historical preservation of this recognized world heritage site that is comprised of the trulli of Puglia.
2019 - Trullo Paretone - Martina Franca
Amelia G. - USA

We were in Puglia 5 years ago. There we fell in love with the region, the food and the trulli.
5 years later we wanted an investment / 2nd stay abroad. And the choice Puglia was quickly made. My wife was looking for a real estate agent in the area. There she found Gabriella. We have made an appointment with Agenzia dei Trulli. And when we arrived Gabriella had already found 5 houses that, according to our description, could appeal to us.
We visited all buildings in 2 days. Gabriella drove us around for 2 days to explore the region and visit the buildings. Then we found our dream home.
But how does it continue now? Gabriella did guide us through everything. Paperwork at the municipalities, accompanying us to the notary, making an appointment with contractors, etc.
Gabriella is a real estate agent with a heart. It is not “let the committee get it and done”, no, with a lot of southern warmth, it took care of everything.
Buying in Puglia? Well, with Gabriella from Agenzia dei Trulli, you are in good hands. Definitely recommend.
Do you have any questions? You can feel free to call me.
Gabriella thank you.
2018 - Eddy Laga
Eernegem (Belgium)

Gabriella, a fluent English speaker, with diligence and professionalism helped us first look for a property in Puglia and several years later was invaluable in helping us to sell. Gabriella has extensive local knowledge of the property market, utilities, comunes, necessary documentation, and calmly guided us through the sales process.
We would wholeheartedly recommend Agenzia dei Trulli.
2016 - Aspinpodere
Russell & Heather Aspinall - Glasgow (Scozia)

Thanks to Gabriella I was able to find my dream home in the beautiful region of Puglia!
Gabriella is a professional in her field, she is accessible, efficient and most importantly trustworthy. Thanks to her years of experience as an estate agent in Alberobello, she helped me find the right house in the right area for the right price.
She also has a strong network throughout the region and this helped to facilitate any issues efficiently as she supported me during the sale and throughout the whole project from restoration, refurbishment and finishing.
If you too are looking to purchase a new home in Puglia, Gabriella is definitely the person to make your dream a reality.
2014 - Trullo Badessa
Alexia Vella - Mellieha (Malta)

We are delighted with the return on our investment in a Trullo from Agenzia dei Trulli, and have seen its value double since we started the project. Restoring homes in Italy can be a slow process, and difficult to manage from England. Gabriella and the agency did not just sell us the property, but have helped us at each stage liaising with the Geometra, builders and utilities on our behalf. This overall service is not the norm in Puglia, and we would not have our superb Italian home without her help and support every step of the way.
2011 - Trullo Selva Piccolo and Trullo Selva Grande
Gail & Tony Brookes - Leicestershire (England)

Gabry has the ability and wider knowledge to find the properties we were looking for on our first visit back in 2010 leading to the finding of what we were looking for, a 16 cones Trulli just a stone throw away from the town center and it didn’t take long for the final transaction to complete while we were traveling back and forth from the UK. The renovation started later in the year 2011 and we were impressed by her tenacity in getting things done despite all difficulties surrounded her as we all seem familiar with. She is able to get the construction team together under one roof either an architect, engineers, builders and technicians including an electrician and plumber that able to do the work with less cost comparing to others on offer. Most renovation works on our Trulli were carried out with exceptional care and details not mentioning the craftsmanship that was second to none. She has never failed to inform you about all the progress and advice during the renovation even when we were back in the UK. We are now able to put our trust in her for our future selling and purchasing as we have done so up till now with a few more properties in mind. One of our Trulli was sold under a month which was unexpected from the usual property market at present. We are fully confident in recommending her to assist anyone who may need true professionalism in finding the right property in Puglia.
2010 Trullo Sedici Coni - 2013 Trullo Lamarmora
Maleewan Phuntujariya - Thailand and England

Having sold our apartment in Le Marche we were looking for something new in the south of Italy and were recommended to look in Puglia.
We discovered the trulli’s when we visited the Alberobello area falling in love with them and decided that was what we wanted!
Local research uncovered Agenzia Dei Trulli who came highly recommended and we soon discovered why when we meet Gabry as nothing seemed too much trouble for her. Having listened to our thoughts and requirements she spent three days with us visiting restored and un restored trulli around the area until we saw a “project” that we fell in love with instantly.
It was then the hard work began and again we could not have done it without the considerable help of Gabry. From going through the initial purchase and then organising our architect and a team of craftsmen builders, she was there every step of the way. It was certainly not a case of you’ve bought it and your on your own now!
With a clear restoration plan and budgets in place, all work progress was reported back to us by Gabry when we were not present ourselves and all utilities and services required for our new venture were looked we have mein by her. The same dedication to help followed when we decided to put in the pool and all the other bits we added to the project.
Since finishing the trullo we have met other people who have renovated property in the area and hear horror stories about their experiences with other agencies. We cannot recommend Agenzia Dei Trulli enough for 5 years later on Gabry has become a friend who still helps with local problems or bureaucracy when required. Her service ethics are superb and we could not have completed our Italian dream home without her considerable assistance throughout.
2010 - Trullo Fantastico
Lesley & Noel Palmer - Lytham St.Annes (England)

In my opinion Agenzia Dei Trulli is undoubtedly the best agency within the Puglia area. I have had a trullo here in Martina Franca, Puglia for 5 years now. My first trullo was purchased from another agency and I bought my second house from Gabriella. The difference was incredible. Gabriella quickly found me exactly what I was looking for. House hunting with Gabriella was a very enjoyable experience. It is obvious her years of experience and her professional manner has gained her credibility in this area. Once we had found the trullo she helped me set up a mortgage here in Italy, dealt with all the legalities and ensured everything ran smoothly. As Gabriella speaks many languages at all times she keeps you involved and ensures you understand what is happening. After I purchased the house Gabriella was amazing.
She checked everything has been changed into my name ie: gas, electricity, water etc and was willing to help me with anything I need for the house. However after I returned to Scotland, Gabriella continues to ensure everything I had requested was completed. She organised and oversaw the installation of a lovely pool, organised a pizza oven to be built and completed renovation work on the trullo. I could continue working in Scotland with no worries as I knew Gabriella would ensure everything was done to the best standard. What a lovely surprise when I arrived back 4 months later to find my perfect trullo now with a pool. I am willing to independently answer any questions you may have about purchasing a property from Agenzia Dei Trulli so please feel free to email me.
2008 - Trullo Dreams
Susan - Glasgow (Scotland)

Recommended to me by a satisfied buyer (one who had learned that Agenzia Dei Trulli was a ‘one stop shop’ in that beyond a great selection of properties, it’s owner Gabriella Dragone has the skill and knowledge to complete the sale and/or purchase) ultimately saving me legal fees. I’d previously expected to have to employ a lawyer - ‘not the case’. Gabriella listened to my ‘wish list’ and found my perfect beach house. Then Gabry managed the entire and ‘more than slightly challenging process’ of completing the purchase. Even with my fairly extensive property experience in the UK, I would never have found it and navigated this. Gabry’s fluent English kept me posted, her thorough knowledge of Italian legal ensured we properly secured the deal - albeit a tricky one as the actual purchase finalising revealed more than a few not so minor anomalies: no gas, no water, no electricity and ownership issues and land disputes. It was a very long final day of negotiating, but I wasn’t leaving that office till I had secured ownership of what amounted to the opportunity to work on my dream in the most perfect location.
2008 - Beach House
Marjorie Hamilton - Edinburgh (Scotland)

J’ai acheté un trullo en campagne non loin de Martina Franca par l’intermédiaire de l’Agenzia dei Trulli de Gabrielle. Gabrielle, très professionnelle dans son domaine, est très attentive ai besoin du client. Elle m’a dédié beaucoup de temps dans les visites de trullo à travers la campagne. Elle a une très grande connaissance di territoire ce qui lui a permis de cerner immédiatement ce que je cherchais. Une fois l’offre faite, elle m’a également assisté dans les démarches successives afin de formaliser l’achat. L’agenzia dei Trulli est une agence à dimension humaine qui offre au client un service sur mesure aussi bien dans la phase d’achat que dans les phases successives.
2007 - Il Trullo della Vigna
Véronique Morosi - Alberobello (e Francia)

Agenzia dei Trulli, especially Gabriella makes the experience of buying in Puglia worth while and painless. Gabry is very welcoming, her ability to speak several languages and local experience is essential from the first time you set foot inside her office to actually staying in your trullo when completed. She helps at every step from finding your ideal property, opening bank accounts, getting tax registered, arranging a mortgage, signing contracts, completing the sale at the Notaio, organizing renovation work with reliable builders which is completed on time and on budget. She will also help with the set up of gas electricity and supply of water to your trullo and arrange for all bills addressed to home in England. Thanks to Gabry we have two beautiful trulli with a pool set in the countryside fully renovated with all services which we use for our own personal use and rent for holidays. It has been hard work but would not have been possible without Agenzia Dei Trulli. Even now after 3 years she is still helping us, she is much more than an estate agent and does much more than an estate agent. You won’t go wrong using Gabry to help you find your dream in Puglia.
2007 - 2010 - Trullo Acquario & Trullo Gemelli
Lyn and Chris Croft - Essex (England)

I first visited Puglia in 2005 and fell in love with the area, particularly Alberobello, almost immediately.
After a disappointing but brief time with another agency I happened upon Agenzia dei Trulli. Gabry seemed to understand instantly what I was looking for and the beginning of a wonderful journey began!
I viewed 3 Trulli, each one a possibility but when I saw the 4th I knew it was 'the one'. Buying this trullo would have not been possible without Gabry, she guided me every step of the way, beginning with the legal requirements and regulations, arranging the necessary meetings and providing an architect, finding builders, plumbers, electricians etc. - the list is endless.
One often hears horror stories with regard to buying properties abroad but I can honestly say I experienced none of this and it is all down to Gabry's knowledge of the Italian system, dedication to her clients and incredible hard work.
I recommend anyone wishing to purchase a trullo to contact Gabry at Agenzia dei Trulli you will be in very safe hands.
2006 - Trullo Stefano
Jill Moss - Ruislip (England)

My wife and I came to Alberobello on holiday in 2004. Whilst not actively searching for property we always kept half an eye on local housing markets. We were attracted by some property photos on display at the Agenzia dei Trulli. Having expressed an interest to Gabriella she was happy to show us around a number of properties. We had told her that we did not want the concern of rebuilding houses; Gabriella obviously listened to our ideas since she didn’t waste either her time or ours in trying to flog us a pile of stones or anything else that would not interest us. Needless to say we bought a villa in the locality and are now living happily in Italy.
There is always the spectre of bureaucracy in Italy and it still pops up from time to time. Even for Italians this can prove to be a headache but Gabriella has helped us on many occasions with the problems that can arise. Her “after sales service” is superb.
From the word go we’ve been very comfortable in dealing through Gabriella’s agency and have no problem whatsoever in recommending Agenzia Dei Trulli.
2004 - Ray and Theresa Benson - Noci (from England)
Jonathan & Johanna
Gianluca & Stefania
Sante e Flavia
Fox D.
Lloyd & Robin
Lou & Lee
Regno Unito
Barbara Ghinelli
Nancy & Gus
Stati Uniti
Mary Elizabeth
Henrietta & Tom
Francesco e Roberta
Julie & Daniel
Anastasia e Manuel
Valeria Romanazzo
Anne & John
Regno Unito
Amelia Gracia
Eddy & Katrien
Russell & Heather
Alexia & Amber
Tony and Gail
Prasonk, John and Maleewan
England - Thailand
Lesley & Noel
Lyn and Chris
Ray and Theresa



Ho conosciuto l'Agenzia dei Trulli in Alberobello tempo fa. Cercavo un Trullo da ristrutturare e poterlo usufruire per le nostre vacanze estive ed invernali. Gabriella Dragone, titolare dell'agenza ci ha mostrato quanto disponibile sul mercato in quel momento, abbiamo visitato molte proprietà in vendita. Infine con il suo costante supporto, abbiamo scelto quella che per noi risultava ideale.
Gabriella, ci e' stata vicino in tutta la fase di acquisto mostrando una elevata professionalità e competenza nel campo immobiliare. Ma non si e' limitata a questa, ci ha supportato nella scelta della ditta per la ristrutturazione del trullo consigliandoci al meglio durante tutta la ristrutturazione. Le sue competenze includono anche la gestione del fondo agricolo associato al trullo, che per noi, resiedendo distanti da Alberobello/Putignano, e' risultato estremamente utile.
Vera e gentile imprenditrice.